This page will give you the various Catholic directory , such as ; Bible search , Catholic net daily ( the offical U.S. Catholic feast days & daily readings ), Catholic education, Catholic documents, The Ten Commandments, and other Catholic resources.
The last century-and-a-half has seen numerous accounts of appearances of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Jesus, Himself, is said to speak to a few of the seers. Some of the apparitions have received official approval by the Roman Catholic Church. Common threads running through all the messages are: Jesus has been offended by the multiplication of sins against His Sacred Heart; and Mary exhorts humanity to prayer and repentance and an increased devotion to the sacraments, especially the Eucharist and Confession. A simple message, but the alternative, we are warned, is a great chastisement which will befall mankind.
Learn about one of the most authenticated and fascinating of modern miracles -- the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima in 1917.
Whether or not you believe in the possibility of such apparitions, Fatima presents a fascinating story that, if true, is also one of the most important historical events in our time.
The Medjugorje Web is dedicated to providing information about one of the most incredible and important supernatural events of our time. Since 1981, in a small village named Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina , The Blessed Virgin Mary has been appearing and giving messages to the world. She tells us that God has sent Her to our world and, these years She is spending with us are a time of Grace granted by God. In Her own words She tells us, "I have come to tell the world that God exists. He is the fullness of life, and to enjoy this fullness and peace, you must return to God"
Since the apparitions began in 1981, millions of people of all faiths, from all over the world, have visited Medjugorje and have left spiritually strengthened and renewed. Countless unbelievers and physically or mentally afflicted, have been converted and healed. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones, to investigate with an open mind and heart the events which are occurring in Medjugorje. I invite you to explore the information contained on this Web Site and decide for yourself whether you will choose to believe this messenger from Heaven.
Our Lady's Messages are the Heart of the Medjugorje Web. They are Messages of Peace and Love, and are meant to guide each one of us to a closer relationship with God. Our Lady has appeared in Medjugorje every day since June 24, 1981. Beginning on March 1, 1984, Our Lady began giving Weekly Messages to St. James parish in Medjugorje and the World. Then, on January 25, 1987, Our Lady began giving these Messages on the 25th of each Month. Even after 14 years, Our Lady still appears to 4 of the visionaries daily and gives us Her Monthly Message on the 25th of each Month.
This Catholic Goldmine page will give you about 200 and more great Catholic links by Chris Miller of St. Ambrose University, Davenport, Iowa USA. You can see the Catholic Apologetics, Catholic Publishers, Catholic Video Producers, Music Links, Religious Art, Prayers & Devotions ( Learn about how to say and pray the Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, The Stations of the Cross, individual prayers, and much more )Catholic Apologetics ( Learn how to defend the faith when someone questions you about it? These links might be able to help you ) and more links.
She's Our Lady, Madonna, Notre Dame, Domina. She's the gentle intercessor, the first and most holy of the faithful. "Whatever He says to you, do it," she says, giving directions to servants at the wedding feast at Cana sand a pathway to redemption for all. "Behold the maidservant of the Lord" is her joyous acceptance of her mission from God. Her selfless example inspires a daily pause for quiet contemplation among members of the Family of Mary, who take a moment to reflect every day with the Three O'Clock Prayer. Feel free to adopt the practice.
"This [CICI] is Very, Very Great !!" said Pope John Paul II at the demonstration of the Catholic Information Center on Internet on October 7, 1995 by James S. Mulholland, Jr., Founder and President of CICI. Left to right: Thomas Terry, Director of Computing Services, NJIT; Roman Anderson, CICI Project Leader; James Mulholland; Pope John Paul II and Renato Martino, Permanent Representative of the Holy See Mission to the UN and President of Path to Peace Foundation.
In a few months we will be in a position to make available on the Vatican Web Site original speeches and encyclicals of the Holy Father, as well as further documents and daily news from the various Vatican offices.
In the meantime, we thank you for reading the Vatican Home Page and hope
to make this coming year a very informative one regarding the activities
of His Holiness Pope John Paul and of the Holy See.