CCCC = Compendium: Catechism of the Catholic Church
CCC = Catechism of the Catholic Church


CCCC 74. Che cos'è la caduta degli angeli?
CCC 391-395, 414

Con tale espressione si indica che Satana e gli altri demoni, di cui parlano la Sacra Scrittura e la Tradizione della Chiesa, da angeli creati buoni da Dio, si sono trasformati in malvagi, perché, con libera e irrevocabile scelta, hanno rifiutato Dio e il suo Regno, dando così origine all'inferno. Essi tentano di associare l'uomo alla loro ribellione contro Dio; ma Dio afferma in Cristo la sua sicura vittoria sul Maligno.

CCCC 74. Qu¡¯est-ce que la chute des anges?
CCC 391-395, 414

Par cette expression, on veut signifier que Satan et les autres démons, dont parlent la Sainte Écriture et la Tradition de l¡¯Église, alors qu¡¯ils étaient des anges créés bons par Dieu, se sont transformés en méchants, car, par leur choix libre et irrévocable, ils ont refusé Dieu et son Règne, donnant ainsi naissance à l¡¯enfer. Ils tentent d¡¯associer l¡¯homme à leur rébellion contre Dieu; mais Dieu affirme dans le Christ sa victoire assurée sur le Malin.

CCCC 74. What was the fall of the angels?
391-395, 414

This expression indicates that Satan and the other demons, about which Sacred Scripture and the Tradition of the Church speak, were angels, created good by God. They were, however, transformed into evil because with a free and irrevocable choice they rejected God and his Kingdom, thus giving rise to the existence of hell. They try to associate human beings with their revolt against God. However, God has wrought in Christ a sure victory over the Evil One.

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