CCCC = Compendium: Catechism of the Catholic Church
CCC = Catechism of the Catholic Church


CCCC 148. Ci sono altri nomi e immagini con cui la Bibbia indica la Chiesa?
CCC 753-757
Nella Sacra Scrittura troviamo molte immagini, che evidenziano aspetti complementari del mistero della Chiesa. L'Antico Testamento privilegia immagini legate al popolo di Dio; il Nuovo Testamento quelle legate a Cristo come Capo di questo popolo, che è il suo Corpo, e quelle tratte dalla vita pastorale (ovile, gregge, pecore), agricola (campo, olivo, vigna), abitativa (dimora, pietra, tempio), familiare (sposa, madre, famiglia).

CCCC 148. Dans la Bible, quels sont les autres noms et images qui désignent l¡¯Église?
CCC 753-757
Dans la Sainte Écriture, nous trouvons de nombreuses images qui mettent en évidence les différents aspects du mystère de l¡¯Église. L¡¯Ancien Testament privilégie les images liées au peuple de Dieu; le Nouveau Testament celles se rattachant au Christ comme Tête de ce peuple, qui est son Corps; elles sont tirées de la vie pastorale (bergerie, troupeau, brebis), de la vie rurale (champ, olivier, vigne), de l¡¯habitat (demeure, pierre, temple), de la famille (épouse, mère, famille).

CCCC 148. Are there other names and images with which the Bible speaks about the Church?
CCC 753-757 
In Sacred Scripture we find many images which bring out various complementary aspects of the mystery of the Church. The Old Testament favors those images that are bound to the people of God. The New Testament offers images that are linked to Christ as the Head of this people which is his Body. Other images are drawn from pastoral life (sheepfold, flock, sheep), from agriculture (field, olive grove, vineyard), from construction (dwelling place, stone, temple), and from family life (spouse, mother, family). 

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